If you click on the Program Name link, you will see additional information such as the Account Number (if you issue one to retailers), Location Name, City & State of the Retailer.
From here if you click on the Location Name, you will see the Frequent Buyer Card or Rebate information.
This is where you can decline the redemption or Unbatch this specific redemption as well. More Information about these options in these articles:
7. When you have a batch in the Unfulfilled section, you should now take the information from the reports and issue credits to retailers. (A batch is the group of redemption reports from the Unbatched section that you pulled.) The batch created shows which retailer(s) redeemed what items and put it into a report so you know what to issue credit for. You give credit back for the amount the retailer purchased the item from you for, for the redemptions. Free Goods will show as Units.
8. Once you issued the credits, you return to Astro and mark the batch "fulfilled." Once you mark a batch fulfilled, the batch will move into the Fulfilled section.
Only mark a batch as Fulfilled if credit has already been issued to the retailers.
9. Once you mark a batch as Fulfilled you will be taken to the Fulfilled Batches section. Once the batch is in the fulfilled area, retailers will see that they are getting credits for the redemptions you processed and marked as fulfilled. For Distributors, you can create a secondary batch specifically to send to the manufacturer for credit. Select the reports you wish to include in your Credit Batch by checking the box to the left of the batch descriptions. Once you have checked all the batches you want to include, click on the Create Credit Batch button. You can also re-name this batch as well to help stay organized.
Manufacturer Credit:
10. Once you have credited a Credit Batch in the previous step, you will be taken to the Batches Grouped For MFG Credit. You can click on your Credit Batches to access additional reports.
11. You can then generate a report to submit to MFG by clicking one of the options available: Generate Summary PDF, Generate by Location PDF, Export Backup. You can use these reports to submit to the manafacturer for your reimbursement.