Overview | Distributor and Direct Fulfillment Accounts

Overview | Distributor and Direct Fulfillment Accounts

Once you log into the Distributor Portal, the landing page will offer two options, the Free Goods Dashboard or the Rebates Dashboard.

Both the Free Goods Fulfillment and Rebate Fulfillment will house reports of redemptions submitted by retailers and both will need to be checked regularly to ensure credits are issued in a timely fashion.

Both fulfillment pages are divided into five sections: Unbatched Free Goods, Unfulfilled Batches, Fulfilled Batches, Batches Grouped for MFG Credit, and Declined/Held Credits.  As redemptions are processed, they will move from one section to another. 

The Reports menu at the top of your screen will give you access to the additional reports available within the Distributor Portal; these reports include: 
  1. Participating Retailers
  2. Account Number Changes
  3. Enrolled Programs
  4. Associated Programs
  5. Free Goods Fulfillment
  6. Free Goods Fulfillment History
  7. Search Free Goods Fulfillment
  8. Search Rebate Fulfillment
  9. Rebate Credit Fulfillment

Need a specific report or export capability ? Let us know !

You will be able to choose which manufacturer/vendor programs you would like to be associated with. Once you do, we will link your distribution company to these programs as a distributor option. Being listed as a distributor option means retailers will have the opportunity to add you as their fulfillment partner when they enroll in a manufacturer-supported program. We will also limit your availability to only the retailers located within your provided service area.

If a distribution company ever needs to be removed as a fulfillment partner from a program or a specific manufacturer all together, or if you need to be added to a program or manufacturer, please contact us directly at distributor@astroloyalty.com. The earlier we know of any changes, the better! 

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