Unbatched, Unfulfilled, and Fulfilled:
What does Unbatched mean?
The Unbatched Free Goods or Rebate section houses the newly submitted retailer redemptions that need to be reviewed and credited.
What does Unfulfilled mean?
This means you have created a batch and starting processing, but need to issue credit to the retailer for the redemptions in the batch. The Unfulfilled Batches tab stores all the reports that have been pulled for review. Once a batch is pulled and reviewed, distribution can mark the batch as credited. Once the batch is marked credited, it will be stored under the Fulfilled Batches tab.
What does Fulfilled mean?
Under the Fulfilled Batches tab, you have the previously reviewed reports that have been marked credited. The drop-down menu allows you to reference previous months and years reports.
Unbatch Rewards:
Why would I unbatch a reward?
You would unbatch a reward if a card itself is valid, but the retailer themselves do not buy any items made by this manufacturer from your fulfillment center. In other words, they chose the wrong fulfillment partner.
When should a distributor unbatch a Single Reward or Full Report?
You can unbatch a reward if the card itself is valid but the retailer does not have a purchase history of the selected reward item with your distribution company. In other words, the retailer chose the wrong fulfillment partner when enrolling in the program or offer. Once you unbatch the reward card or report, it will return back to the Unbatched section of your portal where you can then re-assign their redemption or report by clicking the Reassign Temporary Holding Distributor button located on the bottom right of the Unbatched Free Goods Section. Selecting the Reassign to Temporary Holding button removes the selection from the distributor portal and informs the retailer that they need to select a different fulfillment partner for that manufacturer program or offer.
What happens when a reward is unbatched?
If you opt to unbatch a single reward from a batch, the card will be sent back to the Unbatched section of your Free Goods or Rebate Dashboard.
Decline Rewards:
Why would I decline/held a reward credit?
If a retailer does buy a particular manufacturer's products from you but they chose an item that they did not purchase from you as either a qualifying purchase or a free good, this would be grounds for denial. You may also decline/held a credit if you have credited a redemption outside of Astro already.
What happens after I decline a redemption?
Declining a credit does not remove an item from the batch, instead it marks the Reward as Declined. Only do this if the card should not be credited based on the retailer's purchase history. When you decline/held a credit because of purchase history or because you the redemptions have already been credited, the redemption will appear under the Decline/Held tab and the retailer will be notified so they can make the appropriate corrections and resubmit accordingly. Declining/Holding will not remove an item from a batch, instead it marks the card Declined.
What will I find under the Declined/Held tab?
The Declined/Held tab lists any redemption that has been denied by your fulfillment company. The Declined tab should be monitored, because once a retailer corrects a redemption they can submit it again for credit and it will not be resubmitted for reconsideration under distribution clicks the Reset for Fulfillment button on the right of the submission.
Temporary Holding:
Why would I need to Reassign checked credits to the Temporary Distributor?
You may need to redirect a reward(s) to temporary holding, if a retailer has selected the wrong fulfillment partner on a program. A distributor may reassign redemptions to the temporary distributor when they do not distribute a manufacturer at all or a retailer who a retailer does not purchase a specific manufacturers products from your fulfillment center.
Free Goods Fulfillment | Unbatched Free Goods | How to Reassign Retailer Programs to Temporary Holding
What happens if we no longer carry an item or manufacturer that a retailer redeemed and reported?
If you have given retailers prior notice to no longer carrying a specific item and or manufacturer, then you can Re-assign to Temporary Distributor. This will give retailers a chance to report their card to their new distribution partner.
What happens when I Re-assign checked credits to the Temporary Distributor?
When you re-assign credits the retailers program will no longer report to your fulfillment partner, the retailer will be notified, and the retailer can reselect the distribution partner on the program you moved to temporary distributor.
Manufacturer Credit:
What will I find under the Batches Grouped for MFG Credit tab?
If you decide to batch credited reports, the reports will move to the Batches Grouped for MFG Credit tab where you are able to group multiple batches and generate a new report that can be submitted to the manufacturer for credit reimbursement.